The owners who have complained on Apple’s support communities, Reddit and MacRumors Forums, have said that the occurrence has started after upgrading their device to iOS 9, Apple’s latest mobile OS. While 6s and 6s Plus users have seen the majority of incidents, there are some iPhone 6 users too who have also reported the issue. Some speculate that it may be related to the power button overheating, others believe that iOS 9 may the root of the problem. Some say they have since upgraded to iOS 9.0.2 and are waiting to see if the problem reoccurs. Here’s one post from the MacRumors forum that details the new problem: And here’s another from the same site: The screen was off, and the phone rang. The screen remained dark, but the ringing kept going, but couldn’t be answered. The home button was EXTREMELY hot, and the only way to get the screen back on was to hard boot it (home and power buttons) No matter how many times a new product is tested before its release, random problems are going to arise once millions of users get their hands on it. Until now, Apple has released two bug-fixing updates to iOS 9, which was released September 16. iOS 9.0.1 fixed a glitch that froze the iPhone at the Slide to Upgrade screen when trying to install iOS 9, and iOS 9.0.2 resolved a lock screen security issue. But there are still likely to be bugs hiding around that need to be taken care of. iPhone 6s 128GB SG iOS 9.0.1 Haven’t had it with 9.0.2, yet. Apple has yet to issue a statement on the matter or disclose the cause of this issue, but it should address the problem soon enough. If the random shutdowns turn out to be software-related and not tied to hardware, a subsequent software update should fix the issues. Many of the users who have posted to the forums say that the only way to turn the phone back on is by performing a hard reset (which is holding the power and home button down for 10 seconds, forcing the phone to restart).